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Azure Firewall - Easy

Whenever we discuss Infrastructure security, the most popular device which can not be left aside is Firewall. It is a network security device that is used for monitoring and filtering the traffic, which is based on the best practices and the organization’s recommendation. In an easier way, we can say that a Firewall acts as a barrier that sits between Private network and Public network to make a secure connection. Therefore, a firewall plays an important role in any security architecture.

Since we are moving from On-Prem to Cloud, the security responsibilities are between “Cloud Service Provider” and “Customer” that we need to understand Azure responsibility shared model - Please read it. Microsoft recommends the customer to install some type of Firewall, to make their Infra more secure. There are two common types of Firewall 1- Network Firewall and 2- Web Application Firewall. 

Network Firewalls are more network-centric; we can use them for mission-critical applications by providing more secure remote access to these applications.

To protect application on Azure, we can use the Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF), which can be placed before the web application and can be used to monitor all the connections. MS has its own WAF but most of the customers prefer third-party WAF because of their tailored requirement.

Thanks for reading, please share this article if you feel it was informative.

With regards,



  1. It help full for those who want to make carrier , good bro keep it up


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