We can follow these steps to create the Virtual Machine in MS Azure and when we will create a virtual network in Microsoft Azure. we will then create two virtual machines, after that we can use the virtual network to connect the virtual machines and to the internet. NOTE: This exercise requires full Azure subscription. To participate in the interactive exercises in this module, will result in charges billed to the Azure subscription. Incurred charges can be minimized by cleaning up the resources you create ASAP, Clean-up directions will be in last section. Ø Step 1. Sign in to your subscription, shell.azure.com/powershell . Ø Step 2. To Create a Resource Group We must create a resource group to contain all of the resources, we will create in this module. We must Name it without space, vm-networks and replace to our current location like my location is (Central Canada) in command with the name of the region where you want ...